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Research Fellow in DNA Nanotechnology

We are looking for a Research Fellow to work on the project "Elucidating Membrane Fusion with DNA Nanostructures".

Further information 

Closing Date: 17/8/2021

4th Year MRes and MSci Students


MRes students can join the Howorka group by applying to the Master Programme in Drug Discovery of UCL Chemistry or the Master Programme in Synthetic Biology and selecting the associated research projects.


Undergraduate UCL Chemistry students in their final year can choose one of the available projects that are circulated by the course organizer of CHEMM901. Alternatively, interested students can propose their own project to Prof. Stefan Howorka in time to formulate and enter it to the pool of projects.


Students or researchers with their own funding


If you have secured funding or are interested in applying jointly for funding, please contact Prof. Stefan Howorka via email including your CV and explaining why you are interested.

© copyright Howorka Lab 2015 all rights reserved | website design by Matthew Chin

Maintained by Prof Stefan Howorka and Alexia Rottensteiner

University College London, Department of Chemistry

 20 Gordon St, London WC1H 0AJ

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